Are you unsure if your oral hygiene routine is working? Do you have questions about how often you should visit the dentist, even if you care for your smile? We can help. As your local dentist serving Payette and Buckingham, ID, we want you to learn how to maintain oral health properly and know when to visit the dentist. Patient education is an important part of our practice; we welcome our patients to ask us any questions about their care or their current dental problems.
Oral Health FAQs in Buckingham, ID
Many patients have these questions about maintaining their dental health:
In which order should I brush and floss my teeth?
Floss before you brush your teeth. When you floss first, you remove food debris and bacteria from between the teeth and the gums. Flossing also allows the active ingredients in your toothpaste to reach areas between teeth where bacteria can thrive.
How long should I brush my teeth?
It’s best to brush your teeth for two minutes twice a day. As you brush, focus on moving from the front of the teeth to the chewing surfaces and the back of the teeth. Don’t brush too aggressively; take your time to clean each part of your teeth, and include your gums and tongue. Bacteria can build on the tongue, contributing to problems like bad breath. When bacteria build on the gums, they can contribute to gum disease.
How often should you change your toothbrush?
If you use a manual toothbrush or an electric toothbrush with a removable head, you should replace it every four months. Your brush can become less effective as the bristles wear down or bacteria build up.
Is mouthwash good for you?
Mouthwash that does not contain alcohol can be beneficial for minimizing harmful bacteria in the mouth. However, mouthwashes that contain alcohol can be highly damaging. Over time, the alcohol from the mouthwash can break down the outer layer of the tooth or the tooth enamel. This can lead to increased sensitivity and permanent tooth damage. Alcohol can also contribute to dry mouth. Look for alcohol-free mouthwash for fresher breath.
How often should you visit the dentist?
We recommend that patients visit the dentist twice yearly or every six months. If patients have chronic problems like gum disease, we recommend more frequent visits to help them prevent long-term damage. Additionally, we welcome patients to schedule a visit if they have noticed a change in their oral health and require care. Even if you have a good oral hygiene routine, it’s a good idea to visit for dental cleanings and exams so we can keep track of your oral health.
Do you have any more questions for our office? Call us for care today at 208.243.9807. You can also schedule a dental appointment with Payette Dental online.